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Tips for College Storage

college storage

Do you have a place to store all of your dorm items? We have college storage options for students! Renting a storage unit near school not only makes getting ready for next year easy, but it also helps keep your belongings secure and in great condition! Storing all of your dorm items, such as linens, a mattress, and various dorm furniture, becomes a breeze. All of your items are then ready when you start next semester! Check out the tips below to make sure you’re prepared for college storage over the summer:

  • Organize belongings by category. Some category examples are bedding, school supplies, furniture, etc.
  • When storing a mini fridge, make sure it is in the upright position. This will stop any oil leaks.
  • Use a tarp or dust cover on the floor of the unit. All of your belongings will be more protected from dust or damage by the cover.
  • If you don’t have a lock, no worries! We have plenty of locks for sale at our property.
  • Ask about student discounts on moving and packing supplies. Just bring your student ID with you and ask the property manager!

college storage

When you are thinking about college storage and where to put your dorm items, keep us in mind!

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Paige Weary

About the Author: Paige is the Reputation Manager at Storage Asset Management in York, PA. She is a self storage industry specialist with an appreciation for a good self storage pun. During her downtime, Paige enjoys weight training, kayaking, and losing herself in the pages of a captivating book.