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Winter Storage for Your Vehicle

Welcome fall! The cold weather is here and you need to prepare for weather that can be harmful to a vehicle sitting outside. Below are some options to choose from on the best winter storage for your vehicle. Protect your vehicle over winter so it is ready to get on the road in the spring!

Winter Storage for Your Vehicle

  • Use these last nice days to take the car or motorcycle out for one last ride. Heating up the car and taking it out will decrease the amount of water stuck in the car’s chambers.
  • Intricately cleaning the exterior and interior of your vehicle will keep the paint and upholstery fresh during the long term storing.
  • Applying a wax to the outside will keep dirt fragments off the newly detailed car. Take care of the interior as well with an upholstery spray to stop the cool weather from destroying you vehicle.
  • Leaving used oil in the car while storing long term can cause mechanical problems such as oxidation and clogged lines. This will make restarting your vehicle much harder.
  • Flat spots are prone to tires on vehicles that have not moved for an extended time. Prop the vehicle slightly off the ground to keep extra strain off the tires.
  • Take advantage of a cover that permits proper air flow while storing. Open a window slightly to let clean air in and ward off a stale smelling car in the spring.
  • Do not be inclined to start the vehicle unless you plan on taking it out for a ride of 30-40 minutes. If you take the vehicle out remember to properly store it before letting it sit again.
  • It is best to leave a small opening in the window for circulation during this long period. Put a box of open baking soda in the cabin of the car to absorb water and unwanted smells.


Stop in to see your winter storage for your vehicle and chat with us about other ways to keep your summer treasures safe when it snows.

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Tim Glasow

About the Author: Tim is an SEO Strategist at Storage Asset Management in York, PA. He is a self-storage industry specialist who has written about everything from storage advice and helpful resources to industry trends. In his free time, Tim enjoys sampling craft beer and exploring the local music scene.