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summer gear

Tips for Storing Summer Gear

storing summer gear

Summer is coming to an end. Start planning how to store your summer gear now.  All Pro Storage has the tips for storing summer gear. Whether you are storing in a storage unit or in your garage, be sure to follow these tips and get the right products for storing your gear.

Beach supplies:

  • Make sure everything is completely dry before putting into your storage unit.
  • Use Damp Rid in units to make sure nothing gets moldy/musty. Make sure you are not accidentally placing anything in a storage unit wet.

Summer clothes:.

  • Satchels of dried lavender or dryer sheets can keep clothes smelling fresher.
  • It is important to be sure that all articles of clothing are dry and clean before storing.
  • Use wardrobe boxes to hang clothing to store for winter.

Patio furniture:

  • Make sure all pieces are clean and dry as to avoid damage.
  • Use dust covers or furniture covers to protect the furniture.
  • If storing a grill, make sure the tank is disconnected.

Bikes, kayaks, canoes, etc.:

  • Always make sure your outdoor items are covered, even if it is stored inside to prevent damaging of any foam or rubber materials.
  • Be sure they your outdoor items are completely wiped down and dry before storing.
  • Store on the ground to prevent damage from the item falling. Place a dust cover on the ground first to protect your belongings.

summer gear

Now that you have the tips to properly store your summer gear, stop by to pick up the products you need or choose the right unit for you! For additional general storing tips, visit our how to store page!



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Paige Weary

About the Author: Paige is the Reputation Manager at Storage Asset Management in York, PA. She is a self storage industry specialist with an appreciation for a good self storage pun. During her downtime, Paige enjoys weight training, kayaking, and losing herself in the pages of a captivating book.