Have you ever cleaned out the house or storage unit and came out with items you have not used in years? Where can you donate them? All Pro Storage is now a Charity Storage location, which means you can donate them at our Canton OH storage office! You can drop off your unwanted items with us and we will save them for one of our Canton OH storage auctions with Charity Storage.
Learn more about how you can help and what this organization is all about.
What type of items are collected? Who can participate? Because our Canton OH storage facility is a local business in the neighborhood you can donate here. We will take furniture, boxes of household items, even your gently used clothing. When you are cleaning out your space, think of All Pro Storage as a donation center!
Charity Storage is a nationally known organization that teams up with storage facilities like ours who have available storage units to better our communities. We are giving 60% of all funds raised after every storage auction to the American Heart Association. The rest of the money will go to Kure It Cancer Research and the SSA Scholarship Fund.
Three easy steps and you will have an organized house while helping All Pro Storage give back to a great cause.
This is all part of our charitable season; check back next month to see who we are supporting for the holidays.
Stop by today to rent storage or drop off your donations. We are excited to host our first Canton OH storage auctions with Charity Storage. This fundraiser will be taking place all year, as they will be an existing partner with All Pro Storage for the foreseeable future.
About the Author: Tim is an SEO Strategist at Storage Asset Management in York, PA. He is a self-storage industry specialist who has written about everything from storage advice and helpful resources to industry trends. In his free time, Tim enjoys sampling craft beer and exploring the local music scene.